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  • Pam commented on Heather Ordover's Photo 1 year, 1 month ago

    Looking good! Great toning and color matching! And I love the shadow on that little spot where the stem attaches – it’s receding nicely into the tomato. Your highlights are nice and shimmery, and your shadow colors are great. It looks like your light source isn’t quite right – it should be shining down on your subject from the upper left at about a 45 degree angle (if you are right-handed). Even when you are in a situation where you can’t set up your subject in that direct scientific lighting, you want to imagine that it’s being lit from the upper left, and apply that “formula” to your drawing. (So, your main highlight would shift to the left of center, and your form shadow would be on the right).

    The more you light things in the “correct light” the more it will get into your head, and the easier it will be to know what the light is “supposed” to look light. Hope that makes sense!