I lightened the vine by removing color and adding a light grey wash then went back in to darken the crevices. Also worked on the darks and lights in the leaves as well as toning the grapes. Do you think it needs some “grounding”? Maybe text with the type of grape and the vineyard in the lower left area. What do you think?
Hi Margaret- there is so much great detail here to enjoy that the negative space on the bottom left did not register with me. Because there is the section of woody vine protruding down on the right side I think you could include the text on the left. If that vine section was not there then I wouldn’t have done it. Try it on tracing paper first. It should not be too large.
Wow! What a difference!! Lightening up that woody part of the vine really helped. The contrast and variation in tone of your grapes and leaves are wonderful. And the wire supports are more clearly wire supports. I love it!!!
Pam – was just looking at your botanical art portfolio on this website and noticed that this drawing of mine is posted as yours – I’m flattered but just thought you might want to change that. ❤️ Really missed you in Spain.
I lightened the vine by removing color and adding a light grey wash then went back in to darken the crevices. Also worked on the darks and lights in the leaves as well as toning the grapes. Do you think it needs some “grounding”? Maybe text with the type of grape and the vineyard in the lower left area. What do you think?
Hi Margaret- there is so much great detail here to enjoy that the negative space on the bottom left did not register with me. Because there is the section of woody vine protruding down on the right side I think you could include the text on the left. If that vine section was not there then I wouldn’t have done it. Try it on tracing paper first. It should not be too large.
Wow! What a difference!! Lightening up that woody part of the vine really helped. The contrast and variation in tone of your grapes and leaves are wonderful. And the wire supports are more clearly wire supports. I love it!!!
Pam – was just looking at your botanical art portfolio on this website and noticed that this drawing of mine is posted as yours – I’m flattered but just thought you might want to change that. ❤️ Really missed you in Spain.