Great Ethel! This looks like a nice shiny crunchy apple! I really like how saturated you are getting. and your colors are great. I think you could get a little darker on the right side of the apple where the core shadow is, but you are already getting some nice 3D form. You could add a bit more toning on the inside of the cup shape that the stem sits inside of. The left side of the inside of that cup would get less light than the right side of the inside of the cup, so you can add a little more shadow color to that left side of the cup shape. Are those little dots embossed? I think they are working pretty well. You may want to vary the embossing a bit more in the future. Press harder in some places, lighter in others. It can help to emboss on different layers of watercolor/colored pencil, so that the color varies a bit too. You are doing a great job! Looking forward to seeing more 🙂
2nd apple painting. Same apple, I used watercolors and colored pencils here also.
Oops… forgot to do the shadow… will go back later and do it.
Great Ethel! This looks like a nice shiny crunchy apple! I really like how saturated you are getting. and your colors are great. I think you could get a little darker on the right side of the apple where the core shadow is, but you are already getting some nice 3D form. You could add a bit more toning on the inside of the cup shape that the stem sits inside of. The left side of the inside of that cup would get less light than the right side of the inside of the cup, so you can add a little more shadow color to that left side of the cup shape. Are those little dots embossed? I think they are working pretty well. You may want to vary the embossing a bit more in the future. Press harder in some places, lighter in others. It can help to emboss on different layers of watercolor/colored pencil, so that the color varies a bit too. You are doing a great job! Looking forward to seeing more 🙂