Author: Wendy Hollender
How to Draw a Realistic Three-Dimensional Rose
Approach drawing a rose as a lifelong pursuit toward capturing a rose’s elegance; it is something that we practice over and over again. Don’t forget to take your time to smell the roses! Enjoy their sweet aroma, one of the most delightful benefits to drawing them. Romantic Roses Zoom Drawing Workshop – Starts … Continued
The Practice of Botanical Drawing: Ideas for Expanding Lessons
The Practice of Botanical Drawing Lessons are a guide to build on. Expand each lesson with new and different subjects! Watch this video to get advice from Wendy. We know that masters aren’t made overnight, and that consistent practice is the key to success. Think of my books as a template. I show you … Continued
The Joy of Botanical Drawing is the Best Colored Pencil Drawing Book of All Time!
“A gorgeous, easy-to-follow, and inspiring guide to stunningly realistic botanical drawing that covers everything you need to draw our natural world. Achieve amazingly realistic and vibrant botanical illustrations, from flowers so dazzling you feel as if you might be able to smell them, to tomatoes that look as if they’ve just been picked from the … Continued
Instagram for the Botanical Artist
I am a fan of Instagram. As a botanical illustrator, author, and instructor I look for ways to experience creativity and think in different ways about botanical art. I follow a lot of other botanical artists on Instagram that I admire, and I decided to ask some of them about how they use Instagram to … Continued
Botanical Art Workshop in Greece 2018
Botanical Art Workshop Retreat on the Pelion Peninsula in Greece, June 2018 Lafkos is an old village dating back to the 15th century. There is exceptional plant diversity in this region that rivals anywhere else in the world, which makes it a paradise for botanical artists. We drew, ate, walked, collected plants, swam, ate some … Continued
Botanical Illustration Workshop in Paradise
There are several reasons why a Botanical Illustration Workshop at the National Tropical Botanical Garden on Kauai, Hawaii is one of my favorite places to teach and draw plants. On March 15, 2018, we concluded our 9th year of this three-week intensive workshop, which grows more popular each year. We now have two full time … Continued
Review of "Leonardo Da Vinci" by Walter Isaacson
Book recommendations to listen to while drawing. As some of you know or can imagine, being a botanical artist requires a lot of time spent at the drawing board. I often listen to audio books as I work, which helps me to relax and stay focused on my drawing. My mind is free to listen … Continued
Teaching Botanical Illustration - How and Why I began
Nature is a perfectionist when it comes to the arrangement of form and color. Let nature guide you and you will always find the process of drawing educational and exciting. I studied art in college at the Rhode Island School of Design and became a professional textile designer. I never studied teaching, though many art … Continued
Get Started with Botanical Drawing
I want to help you get started with botanical drawing. I will share with you the most common reasons that stop people from starting to draw, and I’ll give you tips on how to overcome these road blocks. Often people think that accomplished artists are born with a natural talent to draw. I am here … Continued
Drawing Botanical Illustration: Experiments in Lithography
I have been interested in learning lithography techniques for a long time. I discovered a print studio and workshop near my home, and I decided to give it a try. Of course I would be drawing botanical illustration. All I knew about lithography was that it was based on drawing with an oil crayon on … Continued