Tag: Practice
Practicing Peaches
I love to pick my subject fresh from the tree because it gives me the chance to connect with the plant and its habitat. Experiencing the intimate parts of the plant help me to plan interesting and informative compositions that can tell a “story” about a particular plant. Let’s try this now with a peach! … Continued
Suggested Supplies List
Outlined below are all the tools you need to be prepared to attend a Draw Botanical workshop. Please note that the listed products are what we recommend, but you can follow along with any supplies you have (your result may just end up looking a little different). Our lessons are about a combination of fundamental … Continued
The Meditative Spiritual Practice of Botanical Art
We all find happiness in our own ways, whether we chase peaks of euphoria or nurture a constant connection to our true selves. From the calm stability of meditative toning (read on for guided exercises) to the euphoric high of finishing a beautiful and realistic rendering, botanical drawing can benefit everyone, which is why we … Continued
Warm up and have fun!
When we are deep in concentration, working really hard on a drawing, we may reach a point where our bodies don’t want to continue. If we’ve trained our muscles (built our “loose joints”), we can let our bodies take over for the final sprint. Try doing some warm-up exercises to click back in. Botanical drawing … Continued
Get Started with Botanical Drawing
I want to help you get started with botanical drawing. I will share with you the most common reasons that stop people from starting to draw, and I’ll give you tips on how to overcome these road blocks. Often people think that accomplished artists are born with a natural talent to draw. I am here … Continued