If you’re ever in need of inspiration, nature is full of fascinating subjects everywhere you look! Each step outside is a wonderful chance to practice listening with our eyes, reading with our hands, and learning with our hearts to enhance our understanding of the universe’s language.
Connect with a plant. Observe carefully. What do you notice instantly? When a friend asks you about this plant, what will you tell them first? That’s usually a great place to start.
Begin a conversation with your new plant friend. What makes you go “woah!”? Which parts do you have questions about? Consider jotting your musings on the page to revisit later.

Without words, plants can still communicate where to start and how to continue. In studying the life cycle of a plant or in unwrapping your subject in dissection, you may discover something you’ve not known before or some beauty that exhilarates you– draw that! Capture that wonder in your drawing to share your amazement with others.
The most amazing part is getting to draw and study nature close up over and over again. Each leaf tells us a different story every time!
Want step-by-step guidance for using colored pencil and watercolor pencil to create nature’s seasonal forms, patterns and colors? Join our online course, The Practice of Botanical Drawing to watch helpful video lessons on your schedule.
We meet you where you are and provide personalized, positive, and helpful feedback on your artwork to equip you with all the tools you’ll need to succeed! Post your work to the Art Feed to get individual comments from trained instructors, and attend our live monthly Webinar to discuss that month’s posts with our supportive community.