We’re allowed to make mistakes
When we are first learning how to be human, we’re allowed to make mistakes. (No one expects a 2 year old’s finger painting to be magnificent enough to deserve an exhibition!) We know that beginners won’t be perfect from the start, so we hold low expectations for their work and are surprisingly delighted if their initial results exceed those expectations.
Once we start developing a skill, we can start to expect ourselves to produce work of a certain caliber, and then be disappointed when our progressing results don’t meet our high expectations. This is when many creatives stop creating because they are afraid of being “wrong.” They think that only talents are worth pursuing, and that there’s no benefit to practicing something we’re “bad” at.
Pursue joy!
At Draw Botanical, we know that there are no “right” or “wrong,” no “good” or “bad” ways to create! And mistakes are just “happy little accidents.” We never stop learning; we are forever beginners. Just because a 2 year old’s art will be thrown away doesn’t mean it was wasted! There’s value in the experience of squishing paint between your fingers. There’s value in the JOY of creating freely (whether or not the end result is museum or refrigerator worthy).
Not even nature is perfect
Some of my best work has been the result of class demonstrations, complete with quick thumbnail sketches, color swatches, and notes around the edges. Including those things on my page reminds me that it’s just paper! It’s not precious, and it’s okay if I totally “mess it up” because I always have another chance. There’s always another fresh page waiting for me to practice and improve.
If I’m too tense and concerned with perfecting every detail, my drawing becomes too rigid and doesn’t reflect the true fluidity of nature where nothing is perfect.
Lose your fear of being wrong
The “secret” to “great” art isn’t in technique or supplies, but in joy, practice, and low expectations. Allow yourself the luxury of not being an expert, and remember that practice makes progress. Be curious, not critical. Follow your passions, and let yourself be fully human, flaws and all. May we recognize that we are nature, perfect in our imperfections. (Find tips for quieting your inner critic here.)
Want more motivation? Find all of Wendy’s Wisdom here.
Improve your drawing skills
We meet you where you are and provide personalized, positive, and helpful feedback on your artwork to equip you with all the tools you’ll need to succeed. Post your work to the Art Feed to get individual comments from trained instructors, and attend our live monthly Webinar to discuss that month’s posts with our supportive community.