Tag: Technique
How to Tell if your Botanical Drawing is Finished: 8 Tips to Art Evaluation
How to Tell if your Botanical Drawing is Finished: 8 Tips for Art Evaluation When we look at our own work, our first thoughts are often critical, focusing on how we could make it better… So how do you know when your work is complete? Every artist should ask these questions while drawing … Continued
Texture: The Key to Realistic Botanical Art
Transform Your Botanical Art with Texture Ever wonder how to make your botanical drawings leap off the page? The secret lies in texture. By infusing your forms with texture, you can transform a basic sphere into a ripe orange, a geometric cylinder into a weathered branch, and a cup shape into a delicately petaled tulip … Continued
Draw a Leaf in 9 Simple Steps
When you create a botanical illustration showcasing a plant’s important parts, you are likely to face the challenge of drawing realistic green leaves. Though there are many different kinds of leaves, this tutorial focuses on how to draw a leaf with net veining (ex. rose, hibiscus, oak, hydrangea). If you want to draw … Continued
4 Tricks to Fool the Eye: Trompe L'oeil
Have you ever seen a drawing so realistic that it fools you into believing it’s a three-dimensional object? “Trompe L’oeil” is a French term meaning “Fool the Eye”. Learn (from Wendy!) how to incorporate these fun techniques on kraft paper and tell a story by choosing related or symbolic elements to draw. Lesson … Continued
Practicing Watercolor Techniques
If patience were an art supply, we think it would be watercolor! Why? Because in order to produce the watercolor painting of your dreams, you need to wait for it to dry completely between layers. Keep reading for more helpful watercolor tips from our instructors. Go with the flow “Working in watercolor requires … Continued
10 Questions Every Artist Should Ask While Drawing
Whether you’re just getting started with botanical drawing or you’re a seasoned illustrator, make sure you are set for success and ask yourself these 10 questions to produce realistic botanical illustrations. Beginner Artists, Don’t Miss! Everything you need to know to get started on your botanical art journey is as easy as 1-2-3! … Continued
4 Tips for Drawing Twists, Rolls, & Folds
To capture 3D forms on a 2D surface, we use light and shadows to create the illusion of depth. This can be tricky, but never fear! We are here to help. 4 Tips on Twists, Rolls, and Folds 1. Practice with simple models. Find out how much fun it can be to … Continued
Nature Journaling is Love
Your nature journal is a love letter to the universe. Plants turn sunlight into sugar and magically create the air we breathe. We could literally not exist without them! They deserve our gratitude and love. To show someone that we love them, we give our focused attention. We spend intentional time together, laughing, crying, … Continued
How To Draw a Tulip in 12 Easy Steps
Scroll through this post for many techniques and step-by-step instructions you can try to improve your tulip drawings. Flowers are notoriously tricky subjects to capture realistically because of their curling petals, tiny reproductive parts, and short life spans. If you feel like flowers are too difficult to draw or too complex for you to … Continued