Do you ever look at your page and think, “hmm… something’s not quite right, but I don’t know what…”? You are far from alone, friend. And we are here to help!
If you’re reading this, thank you for being a member of our Draw Botanical family. If you subscribe to one our online courses, thank you for participating in our Draw Botanical Community. All Community Members enjoy exclusive access to the Art Feed, monthly Webinars, and their own Online Portfolio.

The Art Feed
The Art Feed is our online forum where you post photos of your botanical drawings (at any stage!) and receive positive, constructive feedback from instructors.
“The fellow plant lovers here on the Art Feed are supportive, friendly, with useful instruction or suggestions, and just fun to be with.” – Elizabeth, Draw Botanical Community Member

The Art Feed’s primary purpose is to help our Community of artists learn and grow through the joy of botanical drawing. We focus on the joy of the process; the quality of the end result is a bonus!

Hone Your Craft
Instructors offer guidance daily, so you can incorporate their feedback quickly (before your live subject starts to wilt!) and ask any questions that arise along the way. Not only is it a great way to showcase your work, but it’s also an opportunity to grow and hone your craft.
Plus, we truly delight in seeing your progress! So thank you for brightening the world with your creations. Draw Botanical Community Member, Sara, said it best –
“Low pressure, high encouragement. You guys celebrate the progress and process. You seem to take delight in everyone’s wholehearted attempts.”

The forum-like aspect of the Art Feed is perfect for asking follow-up questions (like the example above). Jill, Draw Botanical Community Member, shares, “I have a lot of doubts about my artwork, so being able to share my work in the Art Feed and receive positive feedback and helpful tips from instructors is so valuable!”

Easy to Use
Another great thing about the Art Feed is that it’s accessible any time, anywhere. Easily upload your latest work-in-progress or your most recent masterpiece, and delight in positive comments that have useful suggestions to help you improve your work.
Live Interactive Webinars
Community Members gain access to a monthly, 90-minute live Zoom meeting where instructors look at all of the work Members have posted on the Art Feed and provide helpful critiques and answer questions.
We always post the recordings afterwards, so all Community Members can watch any Webinar recording from the most recent, all the way back to January 2019. And if you don’t have time to watch all 90 minutes, you can just watch the discussion about your work!
“Very supportive and interactive for a “virtual” program. It also feels like you take the subject seriously without taking yourselves so seriously, which is a much more comfortable learning environment for me.” -Amy, Draw Botanical Community Member
“All the instructors give really careful critiques, and I have benefited so much from their feedback. I almost feel like I got a new set of eyes–what I pay attention to in my visual and internal world is just so different from the time before I discovered this fantastic class and botanical world.” -Rita, Draw Botanical Community Member
Online Portfolio
When you post a photo to the Art Feed, it is added to your own personal online Portfolio. This is a great way to track your progress. Your Portfolio becomes the perfect place to see just how much you grow and improve.
Plus, you can easily share your Portfolio! Just send a link to your family & friends to show them what you’ve been working on. The link is https://drawbotanical.com/members/yourusername/. For example, the link to Wendy’s Portfolio is https://drawbotanical.com/members/wendy/.
Connect with Community
One of the biggest benefits of the Art Feed and Webinars is the sense of community it provides. Connect with other artists who share your passion for botanical art, and receive encouragement and support along the way. Plus, the instructors are always available to offer helpful tips and advice to help you take your drawings to the next level.
All who follow our community guidelines are welcome on the Art Feed. Whether you are a seasoned artist or you are entirely new to art creation — you belong here. Every Community Member is here to learn and agrees to treat their fellow artists with respect. You can Like or Comment on others’ photos to encourage your fellow artists!
“With the support of the Draw Botanical community via the Art Feed and the monthly Zoom webinars, I have found the confidence to share my art with others and have even sold one of my artworks in a gallery exhibition. This is a dream come true for me! But most importantly, I just get so much enjoyment from botanical drawing, and I can’t imagine life without this daily practice now.” – Jill, Draw Botanical Community Member
How Can I Join?
With The Practice of Botanical Drawing Online Course Subscription, you gain access to all of our course content including short Botanical Basics videos, longer and more in-depth video lessons, downloadable PDFs of the lessons, AND access to all facets of our Community. Read more about the advantages of taking a botanical illustration course online.
Our Community Subscription is perfect for students who have learned from Wendy before (from her published books, The Practice of Botanical Drawing USB, and workshops) and want only the feedback and motivational elements, as well as graduates of the online program who no longer want the course content subscription but want to continue to participate in the community Art Feed.

So if you’re looking for a supportive online space to share your botanical artwork and receive constructive feedback, give our Community a try. (Your FIRST WEEK IS FREE! If you cancel before the 7th day, you will NOT be charged!!) You might be surprised by how much you’ll learn and grow as an artist.